- The human being is unique and inherently perfect. Every creation and experience is related to the human journey.
- Everything exists for the betterment of humanity. The ultimate goal is to achieve peace, happiness, and prosperity for human beings.
- All actions and plans should be oriented towards aiding individuals in achieving their fullest potential, rather than serving systems, states, institutions, or groups.
- Thus, any endeavor is only meaningful if it contributes to the well-being of human beings.
- Race, religion, sect, gender, language, and political affiliations should not impede efforts to serve or reach human beings.
- Similarly, all barriers preventing access to people should be eliminated, and every available means should be utilized to reach them.
- Every human being is influenced by their surroundings and the era they inhabit. Geography and history play pivotal roles in shaping individual identities, perceptions, and social interactions. Therefore, as products of their geography and history, individuals owe a debt of loyalty to their specific space and time. Repaying this debt entails engaging with the history and geography of their homeland.
- In the era of globalization, where people are inundated with global brands, artificial aspirations, and standardized futures, it is imperative for the local to maintain its authenticity, independence, and depth. Preserving local identity and richness requires creating environments where local cultures can thrive and perpetuate themselves.
- Seeking harmony while embracing universal values under the leadership of the local is essential. Emphasis should be placed on celebrating diversity, originality, and uniqueness, rather than promoting stereotypes, repetition, and uniformity within local contexts.
- It is vital to take proactive measures by mobilizing both material and moral resources, prioritizing autonomy over dependence and exploitation.
- We consistently strive for actions, services, and products that exhibit a fresh, distinct, and innovative character, often embodying pioneering initiatives.
- We recognize that every instance of resistance, uncertainty, and cost is inherent in pioneering endeavors, and we adopt the most effective stance to address these challenges.
- We are committed to acting and behaving with integrity, consistency, and truth in all our interactions with each other and our environment.
- We formulate our goals, objectives, and strategies based on the principle of feasibility. Prior to any undertaking, we clearly articulate responsibilities, expectations, desired outcomes, rewards, and consequences to all internal and external stakeholders in a comprehensive manner and await their feedback.
- We embrace mistakes with openness and a willingness to change, while also holding ourselves accountable. However, we are not hesitant to impose consequences for predetermined errors.
- We refrain from engaging in any behavior or practice that goes against the well-being of humanity, society, or life itself.
- We strive to eliminate even the slightest suspicion that could compromise our values.
- Openness and transparency serve as the foundation of all our transactions, including budgeting, allocation of resources, and project management, and we conduct ourselves accordingly.
- We do not associate with individuals or organizations with a history of negativity, and likewise, we abstain from participating in any detrimental activities involving individuals or organizations.
- When carrying out our duties within our organization, we never seek personal gain, positions of power, or influence. We recognize that our roles are temporary and prioritize mutual respect, assistance, and clearly defined responsibilities for all involved parties.
- To efficiently design, implement, and evaluate the outcomes of all activities, we prioritize collaboration with individuals who possess the appropriate training, experience, and professional expertise. We emphasize consultation and inclusion of such individuals in our processes.
- We embrace the principle of sharing authority, responsibility, and resources towards common goals, based on trust and active participation.
- We view top management roles as facilitators, organizers, and coordinators, rather than as authorities solely exercising power.
- We establish mechanisms to balance participation and ensure effective decision-making.